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Hey everyone! We need some supplies for our upcoming camp (07/22-07/25). Listed below is what each grade level needs to bring. If you have any questions, don’t be afraid to ask!!

***These items can be brought in on the first day of camp( no sooner please)***

12th: at least 24 count of 16 oz cups (1 pack) 11th: Nature Valley Granola Bars (1 green box) 10th: Welch’s snacks (1 box) 8th&9th: Rice Krispy treats (1 box)

Also each day I'll be randomly picking a person (one guard and one band student) from each grade level to bring in a watermelon for each day (example: on Monday an 8th grader will bring a watermelon, on Tuesday a 9th grader, and so on) Sophie (band) and Emily (guard) could you bring a watermelon on Monday 07/22?

Here are the spirit days! participate in them! The person/group that goes the most full out will receive a prize!!!

Monday 07/22- Tie Dye Day: find your coolest tie dye gear and show it off!

Tuesday 07/23- College/University Day: rep your favorite university!

Wednesday 07/24- Sports Team Day: get together your favorite sports team merch and show it off !

Thursday 07/25- Section Shirts Day: decorate a shirt with your name and section on it!

China Simpo

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