SATURDAY, March 9, 2024

to the Flanagan High School Color Guard Extravaganza A SFWGA & FFCC combined show, hosted by Falcon Sound Alliance!
Spectator Parking: FREE
Security & Parking Details: HERE
Admission: Tickets are sold on the SFWGA website for $22.00 a person.
Roses for Sale at the Gym entrance for 5 tickets
(1 ticket = $1.00)
Silent Auction
Check out the items up for auction for one day only! Items will be available from the following companies: Planet Fitness Grand Palms Golf Course Playtime Attic Maggianos Golf Galaxy Contour Day Spa Think Goodness/Origami owl Cotton Canvas Dancers Gallery Dancing Dollwear
Equipment: Scott Beck
Movement: Luke Babb
Design: Marcus Rankin-Williams, Randy Nelson will judge SA
General Effect/Visual: Adam Sage, Randy Nelson will judge SW
General Effect: Dean Broadbent SRAA-SAAA,
April Gilligan-Martinez SAA, SA, IO and SW
Music: Jeremy Vest
Artistry/Music Effect: Evan Rogovin
Visual/Visual Analysis: Randy Nelson
Timing and Penalties: Joan Joselyn
Chief Judge: Randy Nelson
Volunteer Guide
click here
Purses, backpacks, gym bags, equipment bags, and duffel bags are forbidden inside the gymnasium. ​
Click Menu for additional selections

Fun Food Extras
Cecilies Ices Truck will be at this event!! Delicious Gourmet Ice cream! Plus we will have a bake sale booth, and wonderful meal specials from our very own Falcon Sound concessions kitchen!

SFWGA: South Florida Winter Guard Association
SFWGA Mission
We support the Performance Arts community in South Florida by fostering an environment where scholastic and independent groups can develop their programs to compete in a local and national forum.
SFWGA Vision
The SFWGA envisions a world where our activity enriches the lives of performers, designers, and spectators. Our mission is to inspire, educate, energize, and support the members and instructors of the South Florida Winter Guard community.
FFCC: Florida Federation of Colorguards Circuit
FFCC Mission
The FFCC cultivates a safe place for ALL participants to have life changing opportunities that enrich performance experiences through inclusion, creativity, and leadership in the marching arts.
Who is FFCC?
The FFCC was founded in 1985 by a small group of music educators, headed by Roanna Combs and John Harlow, with the intention of bringing performers, directors, and spectators together to celebrate the accomplishments and excellence of their efforts. It was their hope to bring organization, standardization and quality to their competitive events to better serve the marching arts community.