The Falcon Sound will be performing on SUNDAY!
****PLEASE TAKE THE TIME TO READ THE FMBC WEBSITE. https://fmbcstate.com/championships/
Flanagan HS is in class 3A
Date of competition: Sunday 11/20/2022
We will be performing at: Broward County Stadium -3700 NW 11th Pl, Lauderhill, FL 33311.
Website for all information: https://fmbcstate.com/championships/
Parking is $5.00 - CASH ONLY
You will need to purchase a ticket for Prelims $25.00: http://fmbcstate.com/3a-prelims-site/
If we make the Finals you will need to purchase a ticket for Finals - ONLY ON LINE for $35.00; that schedule will publish on the website after pre-lims.
Concessions will be available - CASH or Credit Card will be accepted
Times are subject to change.
