Monday July 22nd
7:50- dance class with Miss Amanda (Dance Room)
1115 - lunch
12-- stand dance
1230- rifle tech block & choreo
3 - review last set of swing flag
3:45 snack and move to green top
4:30 -how to read a drill card on the green top
5:00- continue review swing flag
6:15 guard announcements & clean up move to band room
Tuesday July 23rd
730 - stretch in gym and prep for drill
800 drill
11:15 lunch
1200 Stand dance
1230 all rifle warm up & choreo review
200 review swing flag with any adjustments for staging
345 snack & move to green top
430-630 ensemble
Wednesday July 24th
730 stretch in gym then prep for drill
800 drill
1115 lunch
1200 stand dance
1230 flag tech block
145 rifle tech block and choreo
345 snack & move to green top
430 ensemble